Canmore Cabs Dunfermline
Established Dunfermline Taxi service for over 25 years, Canmore Cabs offers private hire services for customers at competitive prices.
Canmore Cabs Dunfermline
A well-established Dunfermline private taxi company
Established for over 25 years, Canmore Cabs Dunfermline offers private hire services for customers at competitive prices. Our private hire and local taxi drivers are professional, reliable and friendly. All our drivers are fully vetted and all our vehicles are well maintained, fully insured and metered.
Based in Dunfermline, we are happy to travel all over the UK, to get you to your destination safely and on time. So if you need to go anywhere, just give us a call. We also offer a courier service to drop off or pick up for the price of a taxi fare.
Booking Form
Please use our booking form to make your booking. We will reply and confirm by email or phone as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.
Our Services
Airport Transfer
Delivery Service
Contract Work

24 Hour Service

Contact Us
Phone : 01383 622266
Address: 88 Park Road Rosyth, Dunfermline, KY112JL